
Book Directly With Us When staying in Rockport, Ma

We know that you have many options for ways to book your stay with us. Below are a few reasons why booking directly with us, either online or over the phone, is your best decision.

Choose your exact room, not a particular type of room
Most online travel websites charge an extra fee for booking online, sometimes as much as 25% more than you were expecting your room to cost. When you book direct with the Yankee Clipper Inn, we clearly outline all charges & taxes so you understand exactly what you're paying for, and why.

Exclusive Offers Available Only On Our Website
It's often believed that third party travel sites offer the best deals.  Not so!  Your best prices are always booking direct with us.

Better Prices and more flexibility
Have you ever booked a hotel room through an online travel agency, to later discover your reservation cannot be changed, or refunded for any reason? If you book direct with the Yankee Clipper more than 14 days in advance, we only charge a 1 night deposit and charge the remaining balance within 3 days of your arrival date. When you book direct, you will also have more flexibility to make changes to your booking.

Live, Local Customer Service
When you call us directly, you will be talking to someone who is directly at our hotel. Call us anytime at (978) 546-0001, or email us at info@yankeeclipperinn.com

Most Accurate Information
Large travel websites typically pull their information from a wide variety of sources, and rarely from the hotel itself. When you speak with our reservations team or visit our website, you'll know that we have the most up-to-date information regarding amenities, local events & attractions, and rates.

Visit our website or call us today at (978) 546-0001 to enjoy the advantages from booking direct!